The first RPL application period for Winter 2025 is now closed.
Approved credits will be added to 乳交视频 transcripts later in the term. Please check your transcript and email if you notice any errors or omissions.
Note: RPL applications for courses scheduled to begin after the winter study break will be accepted starting Tuesday, February 18th. Keep an eye on this website for application links and information on how to apply.
Please use the to see the status of your RPL application, view the list of previously evaluated courses, find your program delivery sequence, or search for 乳交视频 course profiles.
At 乳交视频, we recognize that learning happens inside and outside the classroom. Our Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) program allows you to gain credit for the learning you already possess. You may have taken many different paths to develop this learning, from formal coursework at other post-secondary institutions to informal workshops and seminars, on-the-job training, work experience, volunteerism, military service or family commitments. No matter how or where you gained your experience, RPL provides a way for you to demonstrate your learning and receive formal credit for it.
There are two ways you can be awarded credit towards your program at 乳交视频:
There is no end to education. It is not that you read a book, pass an examination, and finish with education. The whole of life, from the moment you are born to the moment you die, is a process of learning.